Frequently Asked Questions

Excellent Reviews:
  1. We offer a no-pressure, consultative approach to solar quotes. We want to equip you with all the information like pricing, incentives, and potential savings, without any pressure. We'll look at your needs, design the best system to suit your home, and let you make the decision with all the time you need. Contact us today to learn more!

  2. Homeowners, if you own your solar energy system, your solar-powered home will sell at a premium. Studies have shown that solar increases property values. However, if you lease your system, that is not the case. You must either buy out your lease before you sell your home or work with your leasing company to transfer the lease agreement to the home's new owner.

  3. Solar panels are generally very durable and capable of withstanding snow, wind, and hail. The various components of your solar power system may need to be replaced at different times, but your system should continue to generate electricity for at least 25 to 35 years.

  4. Solar energy systems can last for 25 to 35 years, and removing and reinstalling them can be an elevated cost if you need to replace your roof. If your roof needs maintenance soon, you should have it done before you finish your solar installation.

  5. South-facing roofs with little to no shade and enough space to fit a solar panel system are ideal for installing solar. However, there are workarounds in many cases if your home doesn't have the ideal solar roof.

  6. Solar rebates and incentives vary depending on where you live. The most significant incentive is available nationwide — it is the 30% federal investment tax credit (ITC), which allows you to deduct 30% of the cost of your solar system from your taxes. Some states offer additional tax credits, and certain municipalities and utilities offer cash rebates or other incentives.

  7. Solar panels convert sunshine into power, so if your panels are covered in snow, they can't generate electricity. Snow generally isn't heavy enough to cause structural issues with your panels, and since most panels are tilted at an angle, the snow will slide off. If snow does accumulate, your panels are easy to clean. In cases of a storm-induced power outage, we recommend having battery energy storage available.

  8. Solar panel systems are made of durable tempered glass and require little to no maintenance for the 25 to 35 years that they will generate power. In most cases, you don't even need to clean your solar panels regularly. If something does happen, most equipment manufacturers include warranties, although warranty terms depend on the company. Shedd can help you gather warranty and financing options before you make any decisions.

  9. Unless your solar system includes battery storage, you will still receive a bill from your utility. However, you can dramatically reduce your bill or even cut the amount you owe to zero dollars with a solar panel system, depending on how much energy your system produces.

  10. The amount of power your system produces depends on sunlight. As a result, your solar panels will generate slightly less energy when the weather is cloudy and will generate no energy at night. However, because of high electricity costs and financial incentives, solar is a smart investment, even if you live in a cloudy city. Talk to our team about switching to our renewable energy systems to cut your energy usage and monthly electric bill today.

  11. Net metering is the system utilities use to credit homeowners with solar for the electricity their solar panels produce. With net metering, you only pay for the electricity that you use beyond what your solar panels can generate. Net metering policies differ from state to state – so talk with our team about solar incentives for your specific area today.

  12. If you own rather than lease your solar equipment, it absolutely can! Studies have shown that homes with solar panels sell for more than homes without them. Going solar can increase your property value more than a kitchen renovation in most parts of the country. Owning your solar system can potentially increase your home’s value by up to 4.1% more than comparable homes with no solar panels, according to recent solar research done by Zillow — or an additional $9,274 for the median-valued home in the U.S.

  13. In Connecticut, on average, the solar process takes about 6-8 weeks. In some cases, we will be waiting for the utility or your local town to respond. To expedite the process, make sure you provide us and any lenders we work with any follow-up information and documents in a timely manner. Additionally, e-signing documents quickly when they are received and providing our lenders with your preferred method of communication are more ways you can make sure the process is as quick as possible.

Contact Us

If you have more questions about getting started with solar, contact Shedd Energy today!