The Going-Solar Process Explained

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Why Solar Panels are Ideal for Connecticut Homes

If you’re wondering, “How much sunlight do I need?,” there’s good news: The state of Connecticut experiences 150 to 180 good solar days each year. These are days when the sky is clear or partly cloudy, when solar panels can operate at their best. At that rate, the average Connecticut solar system can pay for itself in savings in just over 6.5 years! That’s quite an investment.

Also, Connecticut is consistently one of the most expensive states when it comes to utility rates. Wouldn’t it make sense to lessen that burden?

At Shedd Energy, we know that solar systems make a world of sense for our Connecticut customers. Going solar allows homeowners to generate energy from their rooftops relatively passively, helping offset the cost of high energy bills from the utility company. That’s why we make it as easy and affordable as possible for more homes to benefit from solar panels and battery backup systems.

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Our design team will take full advantage of your roof’s solar potential.

How Going Solar Works

For many homeowners, the solar installation process is likely intimidating. After all, most solar customers only install one solar system in their entire lives, so solar installations can be a bit of a mystery. We wanted to break down the process so you have a better understanding of what installing solar looks like for you.

Installing a Solar Panel System:

  • Consultation: The first step in having a solar panel system installed is scheduling a solar consultation. During this meeting, a Shedd Energy technician will visit the home, assess its energy production potential, and discuss options with the homeowner. The rep will also consider the correct electric bill rates to determine if solar is a viable solution, providing a homeowner with a quote.
  • Design: Once the homeowner decides to move forward, the design team will come up with a solar panel installation design that works for the homeowner’s needs and wants and offers enough energy production to be worth it.
  • Proposal and Financing: With the design finalized, Shedd will present the homeowner with a contract that clearly explains the price they’ll pay, the homeowner’s obligations, and Shedd’s obligations. They’ll also help the homeowner secure financing to pay for the system, whether that be cash, solar loans, or several other options.
  • Permitting: One of the longer processes, and the one that is most out of Shedd’s hands, is the permitted process. We’ll submit our design to the local building department to ensure it meets their requirements. Once it does, they’ll issue a permit for the project, allowing it to move forward.
  • Scheduling: Once the project is funded and permits are approved, Shedd will work with the homeowner to schedule their installation. The entire process usually takes 1 to 3 days, depending on the size of the system and its complexity, so it’s best to block out a few days for installation.
  • Installation: When installation day comes, things move quickly. Our crews will install the framework to attach the panels to the roof, install the panels and their cables, and the necessary wiring to connect the home to the panel (but it won’t be connected yet). Solar battery systems designed to store excess solar energy will also be installed, though they won’t be live yet either.
  • Final Inspection: Now that the system is ready to go, a final inspection by the building department or other authority having jurisdiction is scheduled. At that point, if the system is approved, Shedd will be allowed to tie into the home’s electrical system with the help of the utility company.
  • Monitoring: With the system up and running, your system will use net metering to determine how much energy is generated and to track how much is sold back to the utility company.
  • Maintenance and Owner Obligations: Solar panel systems have relatively low maintenance requirements. A cleaning and occasional inspections are all the homeowners need to schedule to ensure the system operates efficiently and stays within warranty requirements.
  • Tax Credits and Rebates: Installing a new solar panel system might entitle the homeowner to certain tax credits, local incentives, or rebates. Unlike other solar companies, Shedd Energy works hard to ensure you’re able to take advantage of these credits, helping homeowners navigate the process. Come tax time, you’ll have all the information you need to save on your tax liability.

The Benefits of a Solar Energy System

Asphalt shingles offer durability, affordability, and a wide range of styles and colors, enhancing curb appeal. They provide reliable protection against weather elements and are relatively easy to install and maintain.

  • Environmental Benefits: Solar is a clean, renewable energy source that minimizes a household’s carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels. Homeowners can also contribute to conserving resources.
  • Lower Electricity Bill: The energy generated by your solar panels is converted into usable current for your home. Whenever the panels are generating power, the home can utilize that power rather than power from the grid. With a solar energy storage solution, homeowners can capture excess solar energy and save it for off hours, further lowering their reliance on the grid.
  • Electric Grid Stability: With well-designed solar panel installations, homeowners benefit from more stability when the electrical grid drops. Rather than experience a power outage or hiked rates during high-energy hours, the home can use stored energy in the solar batteries to provide stable, clean energy.
  • Increased Property Value: There are many factors, but recent studies showed that homes with solar panels sold for an average of 4.1% more than comparable homes without solar.
  • Tax Benefits: For homeowners who purchase their systems outright or with solar loans, there are significant tax benefits available. Under the ITC (Inflation Tax Credit), homeowners can deduct up to 30% of their solar installation’s cost from their tax liability.
Shedd Energy’s solar installation teams are fully licensed, insured, and well-trained.

Selecting the Financing for Your Solar Installation Process

There are several ways that Connecticut homeowners can pay for their solar installations, but some may be better in certain circumstances than others.

Purchase Outright

Purchasing a system outright means paying for the entire system upfront, whether by cash, credit card, home equity loan, or another source. Through this method, the homeowner owns the system and has the benefit of a warranty, but maintenance and repairs that aren’t under warranty are not covered. However, since the homeowner owns the system, they have the benefit of writing up to 30% of their installation costs off against their tax liability.

Solar Loan

Solar loans offer similar benefits as purchasing outright, but customers can pay off their loan one month at a time. In this situation, the homeowner is responsible for maintenance and non-warranty repairs, but they can also take advantage of the same tax advantages.

Solar Lease

Solar leases are often zero-money-down agreements that allow homeowners to have a solar system installed on their roofs. Under these agreements, the homeowner doesn’t own the equipment, so maintenance and repairs are up to the solar provider. While that’s an advantage, any tax benefits, rebates, or other incentives go to the solar company, not the homeowner. Also, the solar providers will typically sell the excess energy back to the utility companies, not the homeowners.

Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

A Power Purchase Agreement or PPA is an agreement between a homeowner and a solar provider through which a system is installed on the roof for zero money down, and the homeowner agrees to purchase the energy produced by the system from the provider. There are no rebates or tax benefits to this approach, but the electricity bill from the solar provider is typically lower than the bill from a utility company.

Which is Best?

We focus primarily on ownership, as well know the tax benefits, local incentives, and rebates that customers are eligible for are worth it. While leasing and PPAs have their place, we feel ownership is the better route.

Why Shedd Energy Stands Out in Connecticut

Shedd stands out in Connecticut because we truly are a community solar company. We’re local and understand the needs and desires of Connecticut residents and their solar systems. And, installing solar panels one time isn’t our goal—our goal is to make a customer for life.

  • Licensed and Insured: Our solar designers, engineers, and technicians are completely licensed and insured, protecting our customer’s interests and ensuring your system will operate effectively and efficiently.
  • Years of Roofing Experience: Our solar installer teams have more than 50 years of experience in the renewable energy industry under their belts.
  • Expert Tax Incentive and Rebate Navigation: We work hard to ensure that our customers get every tax credit, rebate, or local incentive they’re entitled to.
  • Unmatched Customer Service: You’ll appreciate Shedd’s customer service, which includes clear communication, timely responses, and transparency throughout the process.

FAQ: Your Solar Process Questions Answered

1. How long do solar panel installations take?

In general, solar installations take between 1 to 3 days. It may take longer for inspectors to certify the installation, but the bulk of the work will be finished in a few days.

2. How long do solar panels last?

Solar panels can last for decades, but they can lose effectiveness and efficiency over time. Regular maintenance (cleaning and inspections, primarily) is a must to keep these systems working efficiently for as long as possible.

3. How many solar panels do I need?

Determining how many solar panels a system requires comes down to several factors. For one, the current energy consumption needs to be considered. Also, the size of the roof is a factor. Ultimately, this is a decision for our design team and they’ll help you come up with the right design with the proper amount of solar panels.

4. What makes Shedd Energy different? 

Our customers believe we’re the best solar company because we believe wholeheartedly in education. We help our customers learn as much as possible before they make their decisions to ensure they know what they’re buying and how it works.

Your Next Steps to a Shedd Energy Solar System

If you’re ready to go solar, contact Shedd Energy today. We’ll help walk you through the entire process of having solar power for your home so you never feel left behind. We’ll help you harness the sun’s energy to lower your utility bills while also taking advantage of all the available tax credits and incentives available. Contact us today.